Restorative Justice Resources
Restorative Justice, why do we need it?

Articles on Restorative Justice:
Restorative Justice Conferencing Article
(Heather Strang, Lawrence W Sherman, Evan Mayo-Wilson,
Daniel Woods, Barak Ariel.)
Books on Restorative Justice:
The Little Book Series:
The Little Book of…:
- Restorative Justice, by Howard Zehr
- Family Group Conferences, New Zealand Style, by A. MacRae and H. Zehr
- Circle Processes, by Kay Pranis
- Restorative Discipline for Schools, by L. Amstutz and J. Mullett
Restorative Justice Dialogue: An essential guide for research and practice
By Mark Umbreit and Marilyn Peterson Armour (2010)
Juvenile Justice Reform and Restorative Justice: Building Theory and Policy from Practice
By Gordon Brazemore and Mara Schiff (2005)
The Handbook of Victim Offender Mediation
by Mark Umbreit (2001)